3/87 Aerodrome Road Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast. QLD.

Anger Management Program

I help you manage your anger better, so you stop creating more problems in your life, relationships & work.

Is anger, frustration or stress impacting your life, relationships and work. Do you find yourself reacting, even to small things ?

About the program

Start Date

Anytime just book your initial session


3 months + 1 year access to material

Program structure

Online individual sessions + online resources


Individual sessions through out program when required.

You will learn the essential skills and knowledge to manage your anger and emotions. Plus the essential knowledge and skills to improve your relationship, communication and conflict resolution skills.

Psychology for men’s Anger Management & Relationships Program, offers a flexible, practical and effective approach for men to begin the journey of managing their anger and mental health better. We will provide you with the necessary tools and support to manage your anger in healthier and more constructive ways so it stops having a negative impact on your health, relationships and work.

Introduction Video

What You Will Learn

Program Goals:

  1. Understand the roots and underlying contributing factors to your anger.
  2. Develop the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions and those of others.
  3. Learn strategies to decrease the occurrence and severity of anger episodes.
  4. Establish and reinforce positive coping strategies to handle stressful and triggering situations.
  5. Learn and practice effective communication techniques to express feelings and needs constructively.
  6. Learn how to repair and reconnect after conflict.
  7. Learn how to address conflict constructively.

Course Outcomes:

How it works

Individual sessions

You can access individual session when required throughout the 3 month program

Online resources

Brief focused modules mean you can learn when it suits you. Means you can fit modules in around work, family and fun.

Practice as you learn

Each module has practical excercises so you can apply what you are learning.

Free Bonus Resources

Bonus extra content and downloadable resources that help with your learning.

Deep Dives

Bonus content allows you to dive deeper into the topics you like and want to know more about.

Bonus 6 months Access

Use an extra 6 months access to review the material when required or catch up on anything you have missed.

What some of our online resources look like

A unique dual approach tailored for men

Individual Sessions

Practical sessions suited for men, with a focus on solving problems that you currently face, while building the skills, knowledge and resources to prevent them from occurring again.

Online resources

Easy to follow online resources between sessions to help you learn and consolidate the information between individual sessions.

Faster results & outcomes

With our focus on a dual approach you can dive in as deep and fast as you like to get faster results and better outcomes for you and the people you care about.

Why would you need this

At times anger can get the best of us. When we find ourselves in stressful and difficult situations or relationships, or have unresolved issues from the past, anger can take us over. In these situations we end up behaving in ways that are hurtful, unhelpful and destructive. If you are:

  • Having trouble controlling your anger
  • Always feeling frustrated, stressed, agitated and angry
  • Using anger to try and solve issues, control situations or manipulate
  • Difficulty communicating and expressing your emotions
  • Have difficulty in conflict resolution
  • Your anger is destroying relationships and opportunities
  • Unsure how to control and deal with your anger
  • Want to know how to transform your anger into positive motivation and action
Request a free 15min chat to see if this course is right for you


Payment options:

Option1: 4 * Fortnightly instalments of $250. 

Option 2: 2 * Fortnightly instalments of $425

Option 3: Upfront Payment of $790

Additional individual sessions are $214 per session. If you have a mental health care plan or private health may be eligible for a rebate of approx. $100 per session. 

This depends. You will usually see benefit and significant change with-in the first few weeks to month. So i generally suggest people anticipate a 3 month process, and anticipate between 3 -10 sessions. As you progress through the material individual sessions will become less frequent, with a 3 to 4 week gap between sessions.  

This depends on the individual and you capacity to work through the material. Expect between 3-10 sessions over a period of 3 months. 

Usually each module will take about an hour, to run through. Many people will revisit the material a few times, to help remember and consolidate what you are learning. You will have access to the material for a 6 month period, with a bonus 6 month period applied once you have finished the modules. 

You can do an individual session, to begin if you like. Individuals sessions that are not in combination with the online resources cost $265. Individual session in combination with the online resources are $214.

Yes. These will cover some of the session cost. You will be billed the full session cost and then any medicare or private health rebates will be applied. This is usually around $97. Medicare and private health do not cover any of the cost of the online resources. 

Request a Booking


Clayton J Kuzma

Over my professional career I have facilitated 1000’s of sessions with men going through periods of poor mental health having relationship issues or wanting to improve their health.

I draw on my professional training as psychologist and years of experience to deliver practical, engaging and effective sessions and training to men all over Australia and the world.

Keep up to date

Keep up to date with all our upcoming live and online courses, workshops and adventure - health based programs.

Why would you need this

At times anger can get the best of us. When we find ourselves in stressful and difficult situations or relationships, or have unresolved issues from the past, anger can take us over. In these situations we end up behaving in ways that are hurtful, unhelpful and destructive. If you are:

  • Having trouble controlling your anger
  • Always feeling frustrated, stressed, agitated and angry
  • Using anger to try and solve issues, control situations or manipulate
  • Difficulty communicating and expressing your emotions
  • Have difficulty in conflict resolution
  • Your anger is destroying relationships and opportunities
  • Unsure how to control and deal with your anger
  • Want to know how to transform your anger into positive motivation and action
Request a free 15min chat to see if this course is right for you


Please complete the form. You will then be taken to our calendar booking system page Halaxy. Then just choose the type of session and time that suits.


Please complete the form. You will then be taken to our calendar booking system page Halaxy. Then just choose the type of session and time that suits.

Let's get started

Fill in the form below and we will get back to you shortly. Or if you like you will be redirected to our booking system and you can book a session straight away. Just choose a suitable time and day. Thanks !